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Sunday, July 1, 2018

Nanowrimo and Cats!

We're on to 28, I hope you're enjoying it. The latest is very pro-cat, and if you aren't familiar with TNR, check out local groups in your area! I'm kinda a fan of cats, if you haven't noticed from the instagram.

Big news, I'm on Spotify now! If that's your app of choice for music, look for your favorite podcasts on there as well. Side note news, I'm also doing Camp Nanowrimo, and I highly recommend joining in, if you're interested in writing.

Also, hi Serbia and New Zealand, glad you're listening!

Monday, May 28, 2018

Quite and Consideration

Well, I haven't been posting much, it's been ten episodes since any words came up here. Sorry all, if you're interested in following in a non-podcast-y way, instagram is probably best. Twenty three is now up, and were getting a number of international listeners, including Uruguay and New Zealand!

Hi there! 

I'd definitely love any feedback you've got! Also, on a more technical side, I haven't fully discontinued Sound Cloud, but I'm leaning against keeping it up, or at the very least, dropping older episodes.On that note I'm looking for more sites to be on, suggestions on this (or really anything) are always welcome!


Sunday, March 18, 2018

Thirteen in an Instant

We're at thirteen episodes! Really there's nothing special about that, except I've always liked the number. Today's is a bit long and also fairly odd, in that sound effects in a podcast are always a little risky. Should be fun none the less. Thanks for listening, we're an international crew now! Looking at you UK and Sweden!

If you're new to this podcast welcome, no need to start from the beginning, just jump right in!

Sunday, February 11, 2018

Made it a month, and going strong.

Sadness by the sea is never something to be take lightly. Soggy moping is serious business. Hope you enjoy it, and have a better breakfast than half-cooked periwinkles!

Sunday, January 28, 2018

With number six up, I'm thinking about doing some regular things on the podcast, specifically monthly bonus episodes. They are a bit removed from the usual, and will be longer format. Look for these oddities soon... Well specifically, the last day of January.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Five episodes out, and going strong. I'm looking for feedback, audio issues, and any other concerns you might have. Most of all, let me know what you think! If you like what you hear, the single best place to find me is on Stitcher!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

And we're live!

Well, that was unexpected! Fatal Neutrinos are now bombarding you on Stitcher and Google Play! Please listen and review, and also, note Stitcher you actually have to go to the website to review, there are no in-app reviews. But still, that's exciting!

Sunday, January 7, 2018

So, the applications for Stitcher and Google Play are in, looking into iTunes as well, soon it won't only be SoundCloud availability!

Until then, please check out the link, and give me some feedback.

Also on twitter and Instagram (the most active by far), @fatalneutrino