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Sunday, February 3, 2019

Novel for Free!

These are exciting times! Or maybe it's "interesting times" as in the ominous curse...

Either way, I've got the first novel up on Kindle and I don't want your money! 

More specifically, individual sales help very little, so I'm running a promo, you can grab it Monday (the 4th) for free (and for at least five days after). I was going to go for longer, but Amazon and I disagree about promo lengths, we'll see about another one...
Amazon's Kindle app is free,  so you don't need an eReader to get the book. Here's the link:

What I really could use are reviews. 

Honest reviews. 

Even if you hate it! 

Even if you just skim a few pages and go "meh, not for me."

No matter what awful things you say about it, I appreciate it and we'll still be friends!

But seriously, reviews... I need them...

Saturday, January 5, 2019

All Quiet on the Western Front

Apologies that it's been so long, and welcome to another year! Season one ended on a very personal note, with the end of the Blue Path, so it seems fitting to start season two with another. This one isn't so much for me, but a gift for a friend.

As for the changes, first and foremost, I wasn't joking when I said I've been working on other things. Look for a new page on here soon with written work.

There's also a shift coming in the style of the podcast. The feel will be the same, but there's a subtle shift on the way, have you noticed what it is...?